The umbrella organisations of non-statutory welfare work together in the Federal Association of Non-statutory Welfare. Their common goal is to safeguard and further develop social work through joint initiatives and socio-political activities.

BAGFW Archiv

Dirk Hasskarl

BAGFW Archiv
Well-known politicians such as Dr Angela Merkel, Dr Thomas de Maizière, Andrea Nahles and many others have honoured more than 200 journalists with the German Social Award over the past 50 years.

Dirk Hass
The German Social Prize has been awarded since 1971 for outstanding journalistic work on social issues. Contributions are honoured in the categories text, audio, moving image and special prize.
Michael Groß, President of the BAGFW and President of the German Workers' Welfare Association, welcomes and opens the award ceremony.
Michael Groß, President of the BAGFW and President of the German Workers' Welfare Association, welcomes and opens the award ceremony.
In 2023, the German Social Award will receive a new logo and a redesigned award from us.

Dirk Hasskarl
Eva Maria Welskop-Deffaa, President of the German Caritas Association and winner Svaantje Schröder.
This year's special prize goes to the team from the TikTok channel @safespace.offiziell from rbb. It was presented by Prof Dr Rolf Rosenbrock, Chairman of the Paritätischer Gesamtverband.
This year's special prize goes to the team from the TikTok channel @safespace.offiziell from rbb. It was presented by Prof Dr Rolf Rosenbrock, Chairman of the Paritätischer Gesamtverband.

Yves Sucksdorff
A new logo for Wohlfahrt Digital. A joint project of the Federal Association of Non-statutory Welfare Organisations, funded by the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. It brings the digital world to everyone who needs it.

With the design of the annual reports, overall statistics and position papers, we have been giving the BAGFW a consistent image for years. Naturally, the publications are also accessible and some are produced in easy-to-read language.