For more than 20 years, Christian Meyer-Landrut has developed large-scale and industrial real estate projects all over Germany with his Weimar-based architectural practice. He sees himself as a witness of his time, dissecting the current architectural landscape with his keen eye.
Sylt, Aal, Porto

Sound of the Circle
The book is a journey through Japan full of beautiful, moving and surprising moments. Bound as a Swiss brochure with a red thread binding, a book plate and embossed initials.

33 Gesänge in Corona Zeiten. 33 Texte an 33 Tagen im Lockdown – in den Zeiten der Pandemie. Pandemien sind nicht mehr in unserem kollektiven Gedächtnis präsent.

In the end, the traces left behind by wartime experiences remain unknowable for those born thereafter. deserta is Christian Meyer-Landrut's attempt to get closer to his father, to understand what it might have looked like in his soul, when he had to experience the horrors of war as a 17-year old soldier on the Eastern Front.

Using fragments from his father's spoken stories and reports from his father’s brother, he approached the stories tentatively, carefully interwove them, and addressed his father directly, calling him by his name. Thus "deserta" is the result of a very personal search for clues, a movement towards the indescribable and unspoken experiences that still resonate today - deserta: desolate and empty - which is what must be overcome.

Eine Homage an den Zauber des Schleiers. Eingebettet in die Familiengeschichte schreibt Christian Meyer-Landrut über den Schleier und dessen Bedeutung. Gespickt mit vielen faktischen Tatsachen reist man durch die Zeitgeschichte. Mit Querverweisen und Einblicke in das Familiengeschehen lernen wir über viele Generationen den Zauber des Schleiers kennen.
Auch dieses Buch ist als Schweizer Broschur mit schwarzem Band gebunden. Das Titelschild ist extra aufgebracht und die Initialmarke wurde auf dem Rücken handgeprägt.